Florian Schulze
Dr. rer. nat., M.Sc.

- Room: FMI 01.05.039
- E-Mail: schulze(AT)in.tum.de
- Address: TUM - Fakultät für Informatik, Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching
Current Research Interests:
- Social Context Models for Availability Management
- Machine Learning Methods for Audio-Based Detection of Conversational Social Context
- Florian Schulze and Georg Groh: “Studying How Character of Conversation Affects Personal Receptivity to Mobile Notifications”, CHI 2014 Work in Progress Report.
- Florian Schulze and Georg Groh: Conversational Context Helps Improve Mobile Notification Management (2015): conditionally accepted at MobileHCI 2016 (acceptance rate: 23.9%)
- Florian Schulze: Conversational Context for Mobile Notification Management, PhD Thesis TUM 2015