Bachelor- and Master-Thesis Topics, Guided Research Topics, Topics for Master Lab Courses Games Engineering
**If you seek a supervisor for a thesis or guided research, please visit the pages of the individual PhDs directly. You can find information about their research areas and application requirements on their respective team pages.**- If you seek to form a team of 3 or 4 for the games-specific master lab course and aim for a topic relating games and social computing: contact Georg directly!
- If you seek a "formal supervisor" or a true collaboration for an external thesis (e.g. with a company) or a thesis idea of your own, you have to contact and convince one of the PhD students that has a research topic close to what you want to do. Please note that not every PhD is open for company collaborations so check their homepages first.
- We collaborate with other research groups (e.g. from LMU computer linguistics, TUM architecture, or LMU media psychology). If you are interested in doing projects with them, contact Georg directly!
- If you search a thesis in the area of human-computer interaction around interactive public display, contact Prof. Michael Koch, Uni BW, München
- If you are a TUM-BWL student at the campus Heilbronn and seek supervision for the Project work in Informatics (IN8028), please contact Miriam directly.
You may contact any of the PhD students or Georg via email and inquire for a thesis or guided research topic or a group topic for the master lab course games engineering directly. We will then arrange a face to face or BBB appointment to initiate the process of discussing possible topics. It is beneficial if you could send us a current transcript of record and a CV in advance in order to make it easier for us to decide which topics might best suit you.