Summer Term 2025
The preliminary meeting for the NLP lab course takes place on the 3rd of February 2025 in room 01.07.014 at 9 am. For further information see the module description in TUMonline. The slides of the preliminary meeting are uploaded in the Wiki.
- Advanced Natural Language Processing (CIT4230002) (4Vi)
- Master Lab Course Natural Language Processing (IN2106) (5P)
- Master Lab Course Ethical AI (IN2106) (5P)
- Introduction to Informatics (WZW) (IN8003) (2V+2ZÜ)
- Social Gaming (IN0040) (3V+1Ü)
- Social Gaming Lab Course (IN0041) (3P)
- Social Computing (IN2241) (3V+1Ü)
- Project Work for Management and Technology Students of Campus Heilbronn (IN8028) (12 P)
Winter Term 2024 / 2025
- Introduction to Computer Science for Students of Other Subjects (TUM-BWL) (IN8005) (2Lect+2IntegrEx+2TutEx)
- Programming Lab for Management and Technology Students of Campus Heilbronn (IN8027) (2Lab)
- Master Lab Course Natural Language Proecessing (IN2106) (5Lab)
- Natural Language Processing (IN2361) (4Lect)
- Seminar Ethics for Nerds (together with other supervisors) (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2Sem)
- Seminar Advanced NLP (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2Sem)
- Project Work for Management and Technology Students of Campus Heilbronn (IN8028) (12 P)
Summer Term 2024
- Advanced Natural Language Processing (CIT4230002) (4Vi)
- Master Lab Course Natural Language Processing (IN2106) (5P)
- Master Lab Course Ethical AI (IN2106) (5P)
- Introduction to Informatics (WZW) (IN8003) (2V+2ZÜ)
- Social Gaming (IN0040) (3V+1Ü)
- Social Gaming Lab Course (IN0041) (3P)
- Social Computing (IN2241) (3V+1Ü)
- Seminar Ethics for Nerds (together with other supervisors) (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2S)
- Project Work for Management and Technology Students of Campus Heilbronn (IN8028) (12 P)
Winter Term 2023 / 2024
- Introduction to Computer Science for Students of Other Subjects (TUM-BWL) (IN8005) (2Lect+2IntegrEx+2TutEx)
- Programming Lab for Management and Technology Students of Campus Heilbronn (IN8027) (2Lab)
- Master Lab Course Natural Language Proecessing (IN2106) (5Lab)
- Natural Language Processing (IN2361) (4Lect)
- Seminar Ethics for Nerds (together with other supervisors) (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2Sem)
- Seminar Advanced NLP (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2Sem)
- Project Work for Management and Technology Students of Campus Heilbronn (IN8028) (12 P)
Summer Term 2023
- *NEW* Advanced Natural Language Processing (CIT4230002) (4Vi)
- Master Lab Course Natural Language Processing (IN2106) (5P)
- Master Lab Course Ethical AI (IN2106) (5P)
- Introduction to Informatics (WZW) (IN8003) (2V+2ZÜ)
- Social Gaming (IN0040) (3V+1Ü)
- Social Gaming Lab Course (IN0041) (3P)
- Social Computing (IN2241) (3V+1Ü)
- Seminar Ethics for Nerds (together with other supervisors) (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2S)
- Seminar Ethical AI for NL-based NLP (IN0014, IN2107, IN 4984) (2S)
- Project Work for Management and Technology Students of Campus Heilbronn (IN8028) (12 P)
Winter Term 2022 / 2023
- Introduction to Computer Science for Students of Other Subjects (TUM-BWL) (IN8005) (2Lect+2IntegrEx+2TutEx)
- Programming Lab for Management and Technology Students of Campus Heilbronn (IN8027) (2Lab)
- Master Lab Course Explainable AI (IN2106) (5Lab)
- Natural Language Processing (IN2361) (4Lect)
- Seminar Ethics for Nerds (together with other supervisors) (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2Sem)
- Seminar Advanced NLP (2Sem)
- Project Work for Management and Technology Students of Campus Heilbronn (IN8028) (12 P)
Summer Term 2022
- Master Lab Course Natural Language Processing (IN2106) (5P)
- Master Lab Course Ethical AI (IN2106) (5P)
- Introduction to Informatics (WZW) (IN8003) (2V+2ZÜ)
- Social Gaming (IN0040) (3V+1Ü)
- Social Gaming Lab Course (IN0041) (3P)
- Social Computing (IN2241) (3V+1Ü)
- Seminar Ethics for Nerds (together with other supervisors) (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2S)
- Seminar Ethical AI for ML-based NLP (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2S)
- Project Work for Management and Technology Students of Campus Heilbronn (IN8028) (12 P)
Winter Term 2021 / 2022
- Introduction to Computer Science for Students of Other Subjects (TUM-BWL) (IN8005) (2Lect+2IntegrEx+2TutEx)
- Programming Lab for Management and Technology Students of Campus Heilbronn (IN8027) (2Lab)
- Master Lab Course Explainable AI (IN2106) (5Lab)
- Natural Language Processing (IN2361) (4Lect)
- Seminar Ethics for Nerds (together with other supervisors) (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2Sem)
Summer Term 2021
- Master Lab Course Natural Language Processing (IN2106) (5P)
- Master Lab Course Ethical AI (IN2106) (5P)
- Introduction to Informatics (WZW) (IN8003) (2V+2ZÜ)
- Social Gaming (IN0040) (3V+1Ü)
- Social Gaming Lab Course (IN0041) (3P)
- Social Computing (IN2241) (3V+1Ü)
- Seminar Ethics for Nerds (together with other supervisors) (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2S)
- Seminar Ethical AI for ML-based NLP (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2S)
Winter Term 2020 / 2021
- Introduction to Computer Science for Students of Other Subjects (TUM-BWL) (IN8005) (2Lect+2IntegrEx+2TutEx)
- Programming Lab for Management and Technology Students of Campus Heilbronn (IN8027) (2Lab)
- Master Lab Course Explainable AI (IN2106) (5Lab)
- Natural Language Processing (IN2361) (4Lect)
- Seminar Ethics for Nerds (together with other supervisors) (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2Sem)
Summer Term 2020
- Master Lab Course Natural Language Processing (IN2106) (6P)
- Introduction to Informatics (WZW) (IN8003) (2V+2ZÜ)
- Social Gaming (IN0040) (3V+1Ü)
- Social Gaming Lab Course (IN0041) (3P)
- Social Computing (IN2241) (3V+1Ü)
- Seminar Ethics for Nerds (together with other supervisors) (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2S)
Winter Term 2019 / 2020
- Natural Language Processing (IN2361) (4V, 6 ECTS)
- Introduction to Informatics (BWL) (IN8005) (2V+2ZÜ+2TÜ)
- Seminar Ethics for Nerds (together with other supervisors) (IN0014, IN2107, IN4984) (2S)
Summer Term 2019
- Master Lab Course Natural Language Processing (IN2106) (6P) (new)
- Introduction to Informatics (WZW) (IN8003) (2V+2ZÜ)
- Social Gaming (IN0040) (3V+1Ü)
- Social Gaming Lab Course (IN0041) (3P)
- Social Computing (IN2241) (3V+1Ü)
Winter Term 2018 / 2019
- Natural Language Processing (IN2361) (4V, 6 ECTS) (New Module)
- Introduction to Informatics (BWL) (IN8005) (2V+2ZÜ+2TÜ)
- Master Lab Course: Informatics Games Engineering: Open Topics (IN7106) (6P)
Summer Term 2018
- Introduction to Informatics (WZW) (IN8003) (2V+2ZÜ)
- Social Gaming (IN0040) (3V+1Ü)
- Social Gaming Lab Course (IN0041) (3P)
- Social Computing (IN2241) (3V+1Ü)
Winter Term 2017 / 2018
- Introduction to Informatics (BWL) (IN8005) (2V+2Ü/ZÜ)
- Homework-Tutorial Machine-Learning I (IN2064) (2Ü)
- Central Tutorial Machine-Learning I (Part I and II) (IN2064) (2Ü+2Ü)
- Master Lab Course: Informatics Games Engineering: Open Topics (IN7106) (6P)
Summer Term 2017
- Introduction to Informatics (WZW) (IN8003) (2V+2ZÜ)
- Master Lab Course: Informatics Games Engineering: Open Topics (IN7106) (6P)
- Social Gaming (IN0040) (3V+1Ü)
- Social Gaming Lab Course (IN0041) (3P)
- Social Computing (IN2241) (3V+1Ü)
Winter Term 2016 / 2017
- Introduction to Informatics (BWL) (IN8005) (2V+2Ü/ZÜ)
- Homework-Tutorial Machine-Learning I (IN2064) (2Ü)
- Central Tutorial Machine-Learning I (Part I and II) (IN2064) (2Ü+2Ü)
- Master Lab Course: Informatics Games Engineering: Open Topics (IN7106) (6P)
Summer Term 2016
- Introduction to Informatics (WZW) (IN8003) (2V+2ZÜ)
- Master Lab Course: Informatics Games Engineering: Open Topics (IN7106) (6P)
- Social Gaming (IN0040) (3V+1Ü)
- Social Gaming Lab Course (IN0041) (3P)
- Social Computing (IN2241) (3V+1Ü)
- Proseminar: Practical Data Mining (2S) (together with Juergen Boiselle (Teradata))
Winter Term 2015 / 2016
- Introduction to Informatics (BWL) (IN8005) (2V+2Ü/ZÜ)
- Homework-Tutorial Machine-Learning I (IN2064) (2Ü)
- Central Tutorial Machine-Learning I (Part I and II) (IN2064) (2Ü+2Ü)
- Master Lab Course Informatics Games Engineering: Open Topics (IN7106) (6P)
Before that:
- Pro-seminar `'Web-Publishing (in German) (with J.~Koch), IN0013, 2 SWS, SS 2001, WS 2001/02
- Seminar `Semantic Web' (in German) (with W.~Wörndl, M.~Lacher), IN0014, 2 SWS, SS 2002, WS 2002/303
- Seminar `Ontology Engineering' (in German) (with W. ~Wörndl), IN0014, 2 SWS, SS 2003
- Seminar `Recent Developments in Web Technologies' (in German) (with W.~Wörndl) IN0014, 2 SWS, WS 2003/04
- Pro-seminar `Natural Language Processing for Information Management Applications' (in German) (with R.~Stegmann), IN0013, 2 SWS, SS 2004
- Tutorials `Informatics IV' / `Introduction to Theoretical Informatics' (automata, languages, computation, complexity) (in German), IN0011, 2 x 2 SWS, SS 2004, SS 2005, SS 2007
- Tutorials `Discrete Structures 1' (discrete mathematics: combinatorics, graphs, number theory, algorithms, algebra) (in German) , IN0015, 2 x 2 SWS, WS 2004/05 - WS 2006/07
- Seminar `Foundations of Knowledge Management' (in English), IN0013, (with K.~Toni, J.~Reich), IN0014, 2 SWS
- Lecture `Distributed Problem Solving: Multi-Agent-Systems and Semantic Web' (in English), IN2090, 2 SWS, SS 2006, WS 2007/08
- Lab course `Distributed Applications' (in German) (with J. Reich, W. Wörndl, K. Toni, R. Eigner), IN2106, 5SWS, SS 2006
- Short lecture `Algorithms and Data Structures for Master Students of Applied Informatics' (in German) (with M. Wimmer), 5 x 2 SWS, SS 2006
- Pro-seminar `Applications and Models for Social Networks' (in German), IN0013, 2 SWS
- Master lab course `Mobile Applications of Dynamic Social Networks' (in English), IN2106, 5SWS, WS 2007/08
- Tutorials `Introduction to Operating Systems and System Software' (in German), IN0009, 2 SWS, WS 2007/08, WS 2008/09
- `CSCW 2: Social Networking' (in English), IN2119, 2 SWS, SS 2008 - SS 2010
- Bachelor lab course `Mobile Web 2.0' (in German) (with W.~Wörndl, R.~Eigner, H.~Kreuzpointner), IN0012, 5SWS, SS 2008
- Lecture `Distributed Problem Solving: Software Agents and Introduction to Game Theory' (in English), IN2090, 2 SWS, WS 2008/09, WS 2009/10
- Tutorials `Fundamental Algorithms and Datastructures' (in German), IN0007, 2 x 2 SWS, SS 2009
- Pro-seminar `Social Networking' (in German), IN0013, 2 SWS, WS 2009/10, SS 2011
- Seminar `Knowledge Management Techniques' (in German) (with W.~Woerndl), IN0014, 2 SWS, WS 2009/10
- Tutorials `Introduction to Informatics' for students of life sciences (WZW), IN8003, 2 SWS, SS 2010 and SS 2011 (with J.~Herrmann), SS 2012 and SS 2013 (with A.~Lehmann), and SS 2014 and SS 2015
- Lab course `Mobile Social Signal Processing' (In German) (with A.~Lehmann, R.~Friess), IN0012, 5 SWS, WS 2010/11
- Master seminar `Social Semantic Web' (in English) (with M.~Brocco, W.~Wörndl), IN0014, 2 SWS, WS 2010/11
- Lecture `Social Computing' (in English), IN2241, 3 SWS, WS 2011/12, SS 2012 - ...
- Master seminar `Social Games, Social Networking and Social Creativity Support' (in English), IN0014, 2 SWS, WS 2011/12
- Central tutorial (2 SWS) and tutorial (2 SWS) for `Machine Learning I' (in English), IN2064, WS 2012/13, WS 2013/14
- Inverted classrooms (2 SWS), central tutorial (2 SWS) and tutorial (2 SWS) for `Machine Learning I' (in English), IN2064, WS 2014/15
- Central tutorial part I and II (4 SWS) and homework tutorial (2 SWS) for `Machine Learning I' (in English), IN2064, WS 2015/16, WS 2016/17, WS 2017/18
- Lecture `Social Gaming' (In English), IN0040, 3 SWS, SS 2013 - ...
- Bachelor lab course `Social Gaming' (in German) ( $\approx$ 150 participants), IN0041, 2 SWS, SS 2013 (with N.~Kluegel + C.~Hauptmann and B.~Lamche), SS 2014 (with N.~Kluegel and student tutors), and SS 2015 - ... (with student tutors only)
- Lecture `Introduction to Informatics' (for students of management and technology), IN8005, 2 SWS, WS 2014/15 and WS 2015/16 (in German), and WS 2016/17 - WS 2018/19
- Lecture (2 SWS) and central tutorial (2 SWS) of `Introduction to Informatics for students of management and technology' (in English) ( $\approx$ 400 participants), IN8005, WS 2018/19 - WS 2021/22 (in English)
- Central tutorial for `Social Computing / Social Gaming' (in English), IN2241+IN0036, 1 SWS, SS 2015 (with C.~Fuchs and student tutors), SS 2016 (with S.~Halim and student tutors), SS 2017 (with S.~Schams and student tutors), SS2018 (with L.~Tonetto and M.~Haus and student tutors), and SS 2019 - ... (with student tutors only)
- Master lab course `Games Engineering' (in English), IN7106, 5 SWS, WS 2015/16 (with N.~Thürey und R.~Westermann) and WS 2018/19
- Lecture and integrated central tutorial of `Introduction to Informatics' for students of life-sciences (WZW) (in German), IN8003, SS 2016 - ...